Antigua Guatemala Weather

Weather in Antigua Guatemala

Thinking about traveling to Guatemala? Then you better be mindful of seasons and where you’ll be spending time. For a country roughly the size of Tennessee, Guatemala’s climate has a lot of variety. It’s not the tropical jungle Hollywood portrays whenever the setting happens to be in Central America.

Antigua Guatemala’s temperatures are much cooler than elsewhere in Guatemala because of its location in the highlands. The coast is usually hot, as are the northern areas of the department of Peten, where sweltering heat and humidity are considered normal.

Antigua Guatemala weather

Clear skies during Antigua’s dry season

As a whole, Guatemala has two seasons: Winter, or “Invierno,” which is characterized by rain and runs from May through mid-November and dry season, or “Verano” (Summer), which runs from November to April. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that the dry season is time for flip-flops and t-shirts. In Antigua, days can be hot and sunny, while nighttime can get very chilly, especially during the months of December and January – temperatures can dip to the low 50F degrees.

Antigua Guatemala weather

Antigua can be cold and damp during the rainy season

So our advice is: if you’re going to be here during rainy season, bring a light rain jacket. If here for winter, a warm sweater will come in handy during frosty nights.

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