Antigua Guatemala Calendar: Captain-Generals Palace

June’s Antigua wallpaper calendars are now ready! These calendars feature Captain-General’s Palace, now finally open for cultural activities and a museum, and Cerro San Cristobal. Instructions on how to download below. ***For a list of Events happening in Antigua this month Click Here*** Captain-Generals Palace, Antigua Guatemala Cerro San Cristobal (Agua Volcano in the background) These calendars areContinue reading “Antigua Guatemala Calendar: Captain-Generals Palace”

Visit to Santa Ana, Antigua Guatemala

Right off the bat, I want to apologize for not keeping up with the latest images from Antigua’s Lent season vigils and processions. Events are now coming up fast and furious as we get closer to Holy Week. I hope to catch up sometime this week. For the 24th day of Lent, I visited SantaContinue reading “Visit to Santa Ana, Antigua Guatemala”

Santa Ana Children’s Procession In Antigua Guatemala

There were two children’s procession in Antigua today. Unfortunately, I could only make it to one. A children’s procession is always a crowd favorite – almost everything is done on a miniature scale, by children, from the music to anda bearers. Children’s processions are a relatively recent development, spiking in popularity in the latter halfContinue reading “Santa Ana Children’s Procession In Antigua Guatemala”

Jocotenago Guatemala Vigil – 17th Day of Lent

After last week’s visit to Jocotenango’s Lent vigil, it took some effort to get off the couch and trek back to catch another vigil. Not only was the last vigil somewhat underwhelming, but there even seemed to be very little interest by the locals to see it. The town’s name, Jocotenango means “land of jocotes,”Continue reading “Jocotenago Guatemala Vigil – 17th Day of Lent”

Santa Ines del Monte Procession

In Antigua Guatemala, you can always tell when Holy Week dates are getting nearer. The processions are bigger, for one. Alfombras (sawdust carpets) get bigger and more elaborate. And there’s a noticeable swell in crowd numbers. Last week, I was at Santa Ines del Monte Pulciano (Santa Ines, as locals call it), to witness theContinue reading “Santa Ines del Monte Procession”